Department of Public Works
Providence Capital Infrastructure Investment PlanThe Department of Public Works provides efficient, cost-effective, high-quality services relative to the operations, maintenance, planning, construction, and engineering of public works infrastructure and waste management for the City of Providence. The Department is comprised of seven divisions that include Administration, Engineering, Traffic, Parking, Highway, Sewer, and Environmental.
Progress Summary
Amount Funded: $35,110,000.00
Amount Committed: $33,912,136.87
Remaining Balance: $2,445,258.76
Roads – Citywide (maintenance, repair, resurfacing)
CIP 1.1
Amount Funded: $20,000,000.00
Reallocation: $-1,502,632.50
Amount Committed: $19,032,397.84
Balance Remaining: $-535,030.34
Project Status
Final two contracts underway
Planned contribution to RIDOT Mt. Pleasant HSIP Project for paving
Planned Contribution to CityWalk Project for paving
Design for contribution to CityWalk Project for paving and associated design

Sidewalks – Citywide
(maintenance repair, replacement)
CIP 1.2
Amount Funded: $3,000,000.00
Amount Committed: $3,950,164.63
Balance Remaining: $0
Project notes
Construction underway in various wards
$800,000 reallocated from Bridges

1.4 Sewers
Amount Funded: $5,000,000.00
Amount Committed: $4,997,075.15
Balance Remaining: $2,924.85
Project notes
Emergency Sewer Repairs (Ricci DL)
Some projects complete, others pending
Ongoing reactive repairs to sewer issue
Sewer Cleaning and CCTV Investigation

1.5 – Fox Point Hurricane Barrier System
Amount Funded $3,000,000.00
Amount Committed: $1,453,305.00
Balance Remaining: $1,546,695.00
Project notes
Road Cover Repairs
Sewer Gate Repair Project

1.11 – Bridges
Amount Funded: $1,125,000.00
Amount Committed: $571,411.75
Balance Remaining: $553,588.25
Project notes
Bridge asset management throughout the city
A reduction of $800k is needed for reallocation to the Atwells Avenue sidewalk project.
The actual funded allocation for this project is $325,000.
1.12 – Traffic Engineering
Amount Funded: $400,000.00
Amount Committed: $186,160.00
Balance Remaining: $213,840.00
Project notes
Various Traffic Signal Repairs
Police for Traffic Signal Repairs
1.14 – Collier St. Retaining Wall
Amount Funded: $750,000.00
Reallocation: $1,727,632.50
Amount Committed: $2,477,632.50
Balance Remaining: $0
Project notes
Pricing for design

01.20 – Traffic Infrastructure
Amount Funded: $100,000.00
Amount Committed: $100,000.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project notes
Various Traffic Signal Repairs
1.21 – Citywide Traffic Calming Study Implementation
Amount Funded: $1,000,000.00
Amount Committed: $771,759.00
Balance Remaining: $228,241.00
Project notes
2020 Citywide Speedlumps and Raised Crosswalks
Reconstruct Speedlumps to be determined
1.22 – DePasquale Fountain
Amount Funded: $300,000.00
Amount Committed: $372,231.00
Remaining Balance: 0
$72,231 was reallocated from Bridges to complete project