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Parks Department

Providence Capital Infrastructure Investment Plan

In Providence, we have 120 parks totaling approximately 1,600 in total acreage; roughly 1/10th of all the land in Providence. The Parks Department not only maintains, repairs, and helps improve our parks, but helps activate these public spaces and engage residents and visitors with our city. This means creating parks and green spaces in every part of our community so that all of our visitors and residents can find a high-quality, well programmed, Providence park within a ten-minute walk.


Awarded Amount: $29,096,335.82
Amount Committed: $18,801,741.36
Remaining Balance: $10,294,594.46

(Stormwater Consent Agreement)

CIP 1.4

Amount Funded: $1,500,000.00
Amount Committed: $1,449,374.63
Balance Remaining: $625.37

Mounted Command

CIP 2.38

Amount Funded: $666,000.00
Amount Committed: $661,050.00
Balance Remaining: $4,950.00
Construction 67%

India Point Park Improvements

CIP 3.01.01

Amount Funded: $567,000.00
Amount Committed: $16,702.33
Balance Remaining: $550,297.67
Design 70%

Manton Gateway Bike Park Install

CIP 3.11

Amount Funded: $474,797.85
Amount Committed: $474,797.85
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Manton Gateway
(Glenbridge Ave)

CIP 3.12

Amount Funded: $825,000.00
Amount Committed: $135,700.00
Balance Remaining: $689,300.00
Design 50%

Merino Park Improvements

CIP 3.15

Amount Funded: $119,236.78
Amount Committed: $119,236.78
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Mashapaug Boating Center – Building repairs/upgrades

CIP 3.20

Amount Funded: $50,000.00
Amount Committed: $49,800.00
Balance Remaining: $200
Project is complete

Ellery Street Park Improvements

CIP 3.35

Amount Funded: $147,100.00
Amount Committed: $147,100.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Bucklin Street Park Improvements

CIP 3.48

Amount Funded: $479,875.00
Amount Committed: $479,875.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Citywide Waterparks Improvements

CIP 3.64

Amount Funded: $ 300,000.00
Amount Committed: $300,000.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Arthur Ruby Lawrence Park Improvements

CIP 3.73

Amount Funded: $57,890.75
Amount Committed: $57,890.75
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is Complete

Amos Earley Park Improvements

CIP 3.75

Amount Funded: $86,760.00
Amount Committed: $86,760.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Ardoene Park Improvements

CIP 3.76

Amount Funded: $364,435.00
Amount Committed: $36,445.00
Balance Remaining: $327,990.00
Project is complete

Baxter Street Park Improvements

CIP 3.77

Amount Funded: $50,000.00
Amount Committed: $50,000.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Brassil Park Improvements

CIP 3.81

Amount Funded: $250,000.00
Amount Committed: $29,946.00
Balance Remaining: $220,054.00
Design 70%

Brown Street Park Improvements

CIP 3.82

Awarded Amount Funded: $160,925.78
Amount Committed: $160,925.78
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Clarence Street Park Improvements

CIP 3.86

Amount Funded: $35,000.00
Amount Committed: $35,000.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Columbus Sq. Improvements

CIP 3.88

Amount Funded $217,581.10
Amount Committed: $217,581.10
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Mt. Pleasant Field Improvements 

CIP 3.90

Amount Funded: $209,000.00
Amount Committed: $209,000.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Construction 41%

Cranston Street Tot Lot Improvements

CIP 3.90

Amount Funded: $158,700.22
Amount Committed: $158,700.22
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Green School Yards

(Baxter Bailey Park)

CIP 3.90

Amount Funded: $999,923.03
Amount Committed: $999,923.03
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Ascham Street Park Improvements  

CIP 3.90

Amount Funded: $200,500.00
Amount Committed: $200,500.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Construction 52%

Viscolosi Park Improvements

CIP 3.90

Amount Funded: $502,236.00
Amount Committed: $502,236.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Construction 20%

Collyer Park Improvements

CIP 3.90

Amount Funded: $129,853.00
Amount Committed: $129,853.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Construction 10%

Dexter Street Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $274,950.00
Amount Committed: $274,950.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Construction 90%

Donigian Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $115,170.00
Amount Committed: $115,170.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Fr. Lennon Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $162,614.75
Amount Committed: $162,614.75
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Gano Street Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $60,000.00
Amount Committed: $59,899.00
Balance Remaining: $101.00
Project is complete

General Street Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $210,226.31
Amount Committed: $6,120.00
Balance Remaining: $204,106.31

Gladys Potter Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $75,000.00
Amount Committed: $35,420.00
Balance Remaining: $39,580.00
Design 50%

Harriet and Sayles Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $2,028,802.00
Amount Committed: $2,028,802.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Construction 10%

Neutaconkanut Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $149,865.00
Amount Committed: $14,986.00
Balance Remaining: $134,879.00
Project is complete

Annie Morris Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $99,030.00
Amount Committed: $99,030.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Roger Williams Park


Amount Funded: $3,743,224.00
Amount Committed: $1,560.985.00
Balance Remaining: $2,182,239.00
41% complete

Morris Avenue Tot Lot Improvements


Amount Funded: $112,339.00
Amount Committed: $112,339.00
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Carriage House


Amount Funded: $4,333,818.21
Amount Committed: $4,333,818.21
Balance Remaining: $0
Project is complete

Roger Williams Zoo


Amount Funded: $2,000,000.00
Amount Committed: $350,000.00
Balance Remaining: $1,650,000.00

Jaqueline Clements Park Improvements 


Amount Funded: $355,084.00
Amount Committed: $355,084.00
Construction 10%


J.T. Owens Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $332,000.00
Amount Committed: $332,000.00
Construction: 10%


Lippit Park Improvements   


Amount Funded: $315,000.00
Amount Committed: $315,000.00


Locust Grove Cemetery lmp


Amount Funded: $175,483.04
Amount Committed: $175,483.04
Balance Remaining:
Construction: 70%

Paterson Park Improvements


Amount Funded: $150,000.00
Amount Committed: $150,000.00
Remaining Balance: $75,000.00
Design: 30%